About Us

Karilagan Dance Society is an organization based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, composed of Filipino-Canadians who aim to live and share the Filipino culture through the performing arts. It is currently headed by Ms. Elmina Cochingco as KDS President, Artistic Director, and choreographer.
The Society was founded by the late Dr. Remedios Borromeo in 1971. It was initially composed of her husband, and their four children and their spouses. Over the years, they performed throughout Edmonton and neighboring towns and cities. In 1982, the Society opened its membership to other young Filipino-Canadians who were born here or those who came in during early childhood.
Click here for more about our history.
The Society was founded by the late Dr. Remedios Borromeo in 1971. It was initially composed of her husband, and their four children and their spouses. Over the years, they performed throughout Edmonton and neighboring towns and cities. In 1982, the Society opened its membership to other young Filipino-Canadians who were born here or those who came in during early childhood.
Click here for more about our history.
Our MissionKarilagan Dance Society confers to itself the mission of (1) promoting the Filipino culture and heritage; (2) providing the public information about KDS and the Philippines; (3) teaching the Filipino-Canadian and non- Filipino-Canadian youth Filipino dances, songs and culture, so that they will be knowledgeable, and for the Filipino-Canadian youth to be proud of their ancestry; (4) arranging and providing musical and dramatic entertainment; (5) providing for the recreation of the members, to promote and afford opportunity for friendly and social activities; (6) facilitating the travel of its members to different parts of Canada and overseas, whenever the group is requested to perform; and (7) recognizing the outstanding achievements of Filipino-Canadians.
PAGMAMANO | The Filipino tradition of giving respect to elders, where one sticks the back of the hand to his/her forehead as a sign of reverence. It is also a gesture of asking for blessing. This is quite similar to the traditional greeting of kissing one's hand.
LAST UPDATED: 17 May 2015 07:08 PM